Based on true events, this gripping psychological thriller tells the story of fear, hope and desperation of two entrepreneurs who become enmeshed in the criminal web of a Russian thug. The Police are not interested – there is not enough evidence to get a conviction. In the meantime, the victims and their families are being gradually destroyed as the criminals are trying to force them to re-pay an imaginary debt. Paralyzed with fear, Adam and Stefan decide on a plan to free themselves from this sadistic blackmail. The rest makes itself....
14 May, Campus Cinema
5 May - | Jasminum |
5 May - | Land of Promise / Ziemia Obiecana |
7 May - | Sexmission / Seksmisja |
12 May - | Time to Die / Pora Umierać |
12 May - | The Reverse / Rewers |
14 May - | The Debt / Dług |
The Exeter Polish Film Festiwal, a satellite event of Kinoteka Polish Film Festiwal, the flagship project of the Polish Cultural Institute, is a rare opportunity to see some of the best Polish movies, illuminating documentaries and animations. Discover the ‘Magical Worlds of Polish Animation’ and find inspiration at the Polish Film Festiwal Exhibition, featuring film posters designed by artists of the Polish School of Poster Design. Jazz fans cannot miss ‘Haunting Jazz Scores’ night with the unforgettable movie & jazz duo of Polański and Komeda, while those wanting to learn more about Polish cinema, are welcome to join us at the Exeter Central Library Film Club.
We hope you will enjoy the festival and look forward to seeing you there.
The Festival Team